Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

Current Mood: Antsy for some reason :/
Listening too: Children at recess.

I think it's finally happened. I noticed today as I was commenting to the missus about shopping at Banana Republic, looking through my closet filled with Jos. A. Bank, Express and J. Crew. I went downstairs to turn on the TV, and saw a commercial for Ethan Allen furniture and thought to myself, hmm perhaps a few purchases from there wouldn't be terrible. It reminded me of the opening scene from fight club. Edward Norton is discussing his purchases from retailers and how commercial his belongings are and how he has become them.

I haven't become my belongings nor have my belongings become me, but I realized I am becoming something. I am a young upwardly mobile professional...or YUPPIE for short. I actually don't really mind the term. I suppose it's better than being called a bum. Though I have been that also...I just find it peculiar that I have went from a hippie, to a yuppie.

Any way, I'm thinking of beginning investing here soon. I'm trying to decide how much I want to put into it. I think I'm going to look into the stocks for Palladium and other various useful metals and alloys.

Currently most stocks are down, which is a good time to buy in. The Dow is over 11,000 which is down from the closing of last week, and 55 points down from opening today, but up overall. Anything over 10,000 makes me nervous though. I expect a pull back, but perhaps if I get in now or in a week or so, I can snatch up some shares for the low, then ride it out till we get back high.

I imagine shares in Palladium and similar precious metals to go back up here entering the winter and on into the fall. Only time will tell though. I'm waiting for approval from the spouse though to go on this adventure in money.