Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

Let's get a few things out of the way first.

1). I am a veteran who served in the United States Air Force from June 2001- September 2004). During my service the attacks on the world trade center occurred, and I served my country with honor.

2). I am an American. I was born here, I have lived here all of my life, and I will die here. I would still to this die for this country, as this is my home and these people here are my brothers and sisters. The people of this country are my family. I will defend to the death their rights and freedoms because I believe that it is just!

3). I am a christian. That is, I attempt to model my life after Christ. I'm not very good. I have my demons. Things I wrestle with, but as I enter into each situation with another person, I often find myself asking "would Jesus say these things".

Now that we have those things out of the way. I guess I could start with the reason behind this post.

I woke up this morning and did my normal morning routine. I took my vitamin, drank some water, and headed down stairs to put out my dog. I logged into facebook to see one of my old friends post something about the Mosque building near ground zero of the 9/11 attacks.

Originally I was going to post something back to my Facebook. In fact when I saw it on the news how people were protesting (sometimes violently) about not having this mosque, I made a comment on my twitter.

Listen, I fully understand how upset this kind of thing makes people. We are talking about the largest, most violent attack on American soil. Thousands died, even more in the following war(s). However, should we hold all Muslims responsible? Should every man woman and child who pray to Allah be held responsible for the atrocities that a few (extremists) committed?

Certainly we have no extremists in Christianity, right? I mean the KKK has been eradicated. They haven't burnt down any churches in what 2 years? So does that mean that all Christians should be held responsible for the atrocities that a few committed?

Let's go back a few years. December 7th, 1941. For those who don't know this is the infamous attack on Peal Harbor. Countless casualties, rage and anger ensued. What came next? Japanese internment camps. In February of 1942, President Roosevelt signed into order the call for the internment of all Japanese persons living on American soil.

The thing, I think, that the general majority of the population in America fails to understand is that Muslims are not here to destroy America. Certainly there are a few who are. But restricting one of their rights (freedom from religious persecution)is potentially hazardous. I am in no way saying that because they could do damage (more than has already been done) should we have any more reason to allow this mosque to be built, but a little cultural sensitivity wouldn't hurt. Especially when you consider that A). Islam is the FASTEST and LARGEST growing religion, and B). a vast majority of Muslims live here in Michigan.

Furthermore, how can we call ourselves Christians, and love our enemies when we dehumanize them to a point that fail to see how they should have any rights as Americans? Most Muslims here are here legally. I have worked with quite a few since I began working at the hospital. Now it surely is possible that they could be conspiring against America to do it harm and destroy it. But so then could any one else. Additionally how on earth could we violently protest in the name of GOD? Our bible isn't much different from their Qu'ran. In fact Muslims aren't much different from Christians.

Both are Abrhamic faiths. Both are proselytic. Muslims are doing nothing different than what we are doing.

America was founded on principles of Christianity to be a Christian nation. However, because we have set up the constitution in the manner that we have, each person has the right under it, to religiously worship (or not to) any god that they choose. We are not a Christian nation. We are a selfish, fearful, godless nation, full of hate and anger. We no longer have sympathy for the poor and destitute. The ones that our God asked us to take care of.

Call me a sympathizer for muslims if you want, but I feel that I am more of a sympathizer for humans.

Remember, despite what the media outlets will tell you, Muslims aren't here to destroy America, nor are Christians here to destroy any Muslim nation. The sooner we realize these common truths, the sooner we can begin rebuilding a peaceful future.