Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

Mood: I was bored
Currently Listening to: It was something someone was saying about going to vegas.

I’m up and on my way out the door. It’s somewhere around 8am, and I need to be on the north side of town at 7:59. Grab Dante, put him in the house, lock the door, set the alarm, 90 down 496. I’m at my clinical until sometime after 3pm. I get home just in time to leave again and get to my other other job, shadowing in the Adolescent Project at MSU. After 2 hours, I’m on my way back to my house to rest for the night and do it again in the morning.

This is a typical Thursday in my current life. Not even a daily schedule JUST Thursdays. That is really my only easy day. Every other day is just a ball of used petrol, missed meals, and discussing the latest political news while trying to keep my eyes open.

My clinical is fairly interesting. While I’m not at liberty to discuss much of what I do, suffice to say it is very interesting. My schooling, well, thus far it’s less than exciting to say the least. My first class that I went to this semester didn’t have the AC on. Which would be fine if it was say…December. In addition to that the Professor says I can’t use my cell phone in class. For every time that a student touches their cell phone they’ll lose a participation point. She continues that she prefers that you do not open your lap-tops in class either. So now its 90, I can’t check my phone, and I can’t use my lap-top to stay awake. What a way to start off the school year.

On top of that, my brother is getting married again. Which is really cool because his wife is a cool chick for the most part. The only downside is the groomsmen haven’t really been speaking with each other as much as I would have liked them to. It’s all a big miss right now, and I have an idea on what to do, but cannot research this at my clinical office as I do not have internet yet. In fact I don’t even really have a desk. I’m sitting at the receptionist desk typing this on word on my lap-top. I’d show you a picture but 1). The camera was stolen last week from my car along with my iPod, and 2). No one is reading this anyway. It was my fault about the theft. I didn’t lock my door when I finished purchasing these really cool hear rate monitors from Dick’s Sporting Goods. The frustrating part of that is, I could’ve used that money that I spent on the monitors to pay for the replacement iPod and camera. Better yet, I wouldn’t have forgotten to lock the door if I didn’t ever get the heart rate monitors to begin with, but I digress.

Finally, I’m still waiting to hear back from Amer (again) from the Institute of Neuroscience. Originally he sounded excited to have me come down and do some research. And let’s be honest here, while I am a “student research aide” at MSU, and that is going to look good on my CV, the more research that I am involved in, the better my chances are of getting into a PhD program for Neuropsychology. Was that a run on sentence? Was it formatted properly? With all of the papers and work I’ve been doing lately, I’m just not sure of anything anymore grammatically. Plus I’m constantly in and out of being consciousness at any given minute.

So that pretty much sums up what I’ve been up to lately, as if you cared. I plan on having more interesting things to put on here in a few days. Adventures and what not, but I always feel like none of them are important enough to put on here. However, the school of social work recommends that I document my career and how I progress. So there we go. I just wish someone was actually reading this.