Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

I woke up this morning thinking. Wouldn't it be nice if I had an app that could control my PS3 from m iPhone? Thinking about Blue Tooth, and the other peripherals that Sony has made, I began to wonder if this was possible. As I started to search, I noticed I wasn't the first person to consider such an App. Apparently MS has something for their XBOX360, but I don't really play that as much as my PS3. So I began the hunt, looking at message boards from 2006-2008 and then recent.

Thus far I have found 2 apps that require some sort of extra device (PocketBlu a disk and Waveit a extra peripheral). They seem to have a few bugs in them each, but what I'm looking for is a simple Blue Tooth interface, perhaps a keyboard, and arrows to scroll.

Along this same line of thinking, it would be pretty convenient if someone created an App to actually be on the PSN from your phone, though with the recent hacks to the network I doubt this is likely to happen.

Finally after about 2 hours of searching, I come across this App called WeBe++. At the time of the post from the developer, he wasn't sure if he would be able to integrate PS3 functionality. However, I searched in the Cydia store and found that recently he did an update which included PS3 functionality and buttons. Now I just have to make them communicate.

SUCCESS!!! Literally took all of 30 seconds.

Functionality? Works very well. Keyboard, controls, buttons!! This thing does it all. It is $5.00 but...I think it's the most worth while App I've purchased thus far!