Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

Current Mood: Blah...
Listening to: Computer fans spinning

Not that Christmas was bad or anything. Or that I didn't get all of the things I wanted...I did. In fact I got too much stuff. I think someone really went overboard. But my Tattoo is pretty sweet, and the guitar lessons will really help out.

I made the deans honor roll again. It's only the second time in my undergrad, but it should have been my third, and it's the way I wanted to finish out. So now...I'm officially done!

This is the time of the year though that, while most enjoy, I tend to dread. Not that I don't mind the possibility of waking up somewhere between noon thirty and a quater passed "I slept too much", but I always feel like I should be doing something. Now I have time to work out, but because I feel like I should be doing something productive I choose to do niether and play video games. Or I could be cleaning out the basement, but then I feel like I should be relaxing and not working. And there in lies the problem.

If I attempt to do something fun, say video games or go out, the entire time I spend doing those things I don't fully enjoy because I feel like I should be "buckling down" or preparing for grad school or something. Of course the longer I sit doing those things, I do less and less work because I consider how much fun I could be having playing video games or being out or working on music. So what's a guy to do?

Quite simple honestly....nothing. I'll just bide my time thinking about the time that I'm wasting, thinking about the time that I could be doing something.

It's a conundrum....