Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

I apologize, I shouldn't have placed you on the shelf.
to collect the dust that falls from the rafter.
When the wind in the house blows, from me chasing it after.
I shouldn't have let you go on and bleed there alone.
out in the cold, knowing one day you'd be...froze

I can feel when you move, I ache your pain when you break.
Sorry I haven't taken better care of you.
I left you in the hands of someone else, in hopes that they
wouldn't make the same mistake.
Sorry I've broken you apart, I tried to pick up all of the pieces.
but we can never go back to these halves being whole
No matter how we bend or mold or crack and fold.
until we collapse from the stress and the strain...
As I feel you stop trickling in my veins.
And my a vice on my chest.
no longer the same, no longer maintained...