Requiem for Reality

Political, hypothetical, existential, hypocritical, technological, philosophical, and musical. Or so I've been told.

I heard a melody the other day,
I believe I heard it, then again...
it could have been the wind.

I tried to hum it out,
tried to take it with me,
I tried to hold on to it as it slipped out of my lips...

It sounded like you,
like something you would say to me,
...and then everything was quiet.

Mood: Restless
Listening to: Decoded on History

So I've been talking about wanting to keep up with this blog. I wish I would have done better with it since I only have a few weeks left of school. I'm going to be done with Grad School, and just like with undergrad, I'm already looking at the next challenge. My current goals are to take a year off and spend some time with my child...who is due here sometime in late June.

Oh BTW yeah the wife is pregnant. I'm interested to see how this all works out in the end, but also quite nervous. I want to do something great for Israel, but I'm not too sure what. I want to leave a legacy for him, something that many years from now he can look back on, and see how much I loved him before I knew him. I'm also nervous that he will be just like me. I won't speak to my intelligence, as I don't really consider myself intelligent. I just recognize patterns.

Anyway, so I have that coming up, and after the yeah off, I plan on going back to school for Neuropsychology. I don't know if I will get in or not, and I don't know where I'm even going to apply. I know that at some time in the next year I need to take my licensure exam, and also the GRE. Without the GRE, I won't be able to get in anywhere. I am not too worried about my grades, as this semester should net me that cumulative 3.5 or better GPA. I'm also not too worried about my letters of recommendation. I have a few people lined up that I think will really help me out. So all I really need to do is ace that GRE.

Other than that, I've been pretty much just going through this so called life. I've been watching some good anime here and there, and picked up learning JKD. I wish I had more time in the day, and that I could spend it a little better. I always feel like as soon as I get an idea of what I want to do I only have a few minutes to do it. Then again I have like a million hobbies. I'd like to mix some music, mess with this guitar, work out, watch some good shows, play some video games, read a book, meditate, and hang out with my dog. However, by the time I get to the third item on the list I'm looking at somewhere around 3 in the afternoon. I know I'm spreading myself thin, but it keeps my mind busy. Sure I still make mistakes, but it's better than doing something that affects my life long term.

I plan on writing more here soon. I want to talk about some of the clients that I've met and some of the experiences, but today...I'm hot. It's about 85 out and only 1pm. Our central air went out thanks to Dante and his acidic urine disintegrating the condenser on the unit. My father in law bought us a new one, but it has yet to show up, and still would need to get installed.

Anyway, that's a quick update on my may now return to your previously scheduled lives, already in progress.